I would like to welcome all of the visitors that are finding my humble blog via being featured in Back in Skinny Jeans. I think we can all agree that Steph at Skinny Jeans is a fantastic writer that manages to say what a lot of us are feeling everyday. I know when I started losing weight six months ago, I found her blog and have checked in on it daily since. I have enjoyed being introduced to other blogs this week as part of her “What Others are Doing to get Fit Week”.
So welcome new friends, I hope you enjoy my victories, rants and epiphanies and are able to nod and laugh at some of the things I write about. I strongly suggest you start at the beginning of my blog and look for the entry titled “I want list”. This will give you insight into the reasons I am getting healthy. I think everyone needs a “Want List”.
I found you through the Skinny Jeans site.
Keep up the great work!
Hi there! I'm a fellow Weight Watcher and just clicked over here from Back in Skinny Jeans. Best of luck with your goals--you can do it :).
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