This training schedule requires I do their workouts on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The other days are considered “rest” days that from my understanding means you can do almost nothing or a different type of light work out. So being that today is Thursday, I had planned on taking the day off from working out, but around 10am this I got the itch…..the itch to workout. I knew the Stairmaster was missing me since I had been concentrating on the treadmill workouts the last couple of weeks, so I walked to the other part of the shop, changed and beat on my Stairmaster for 30 minutes and did some crunches too.
In the past I’ve always worked out because I needed to. Now I work out because I want to and it feels so good during and after. I do believe I have finally become addicted to something that is healthy!!!
P.S. Most of the time I cannot see a difference in my body, but in this old picture I can see a big difference in my face. Ruby was pretty young in this picture, so I think this was summer of 2002. Oh and BTW, I do not use choke collars on dogs anymore. This was before I learned about positive reinforcement training which I think is the best thing since sliced bread. I now train my dogs in a secure location without leashes or collars, only using food and praise.
1 comment:
I found your blog at Back in Skinny Jeans. Good luck on your running! I've recently started running myself (albeit slowly), and I'd love to get to the point where I'm able to participate in some 5k's (or more). :)
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