Anyway, got into the car and they started talking to me. You know, in that Barry White voice, telling me how chocolaty and good they were and that I should have one or two or four on my way home from work. Problem is, they are in the frozen foods section of the grocery store so they were frozen solid. I am nothing if not resourceful when it comes to chocolate so I resorted to sticking a vitamuffin in each side of my bra! Yes, I put frozen foods inside my undergarments in order to thaw them. Just call me MacGyver! They were ready to eat within 10 minutes.
Okay, I’m not proud to relate that story to you, but wanted everyone to know that my Vitamuffin addiction is still going strong. I am not going to sweat it too much as I know there are worse things I could be doing. I do realize the need to work on this behavior.
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