Friday, April 18, 2008


When I read “The Secret” a month ago, it talked about a gratitude journal. I mentioned it to a friend and she said that she had a gratitude journal she wrote in daily. She started out writing down 100 things she was grateful for and then each day would at 5 things to the list.

I decided to try it and it really does change your daily outlook. Instead of just putzing along in your day, you find yourself actively looking for something that you can say you’re grateful for. I’m sure you can think of all the obvious things, like friends, family, job, and health but I think this is intended for us to dig deeper.

Here is an example: I am grateful for a house that I pass by on my way to work every morning. Why am I grateful for someone else’s house? I’m glad you asked….. Each day I look at this house as I pass and see the family sitting in the dinning room having breakfast. There is just something so wonderful about seeing this family connecting and eating breakfast together. It makes me smile every single day. That is something I am grateful for.

So today I challenge all of you to notice things to be grateful for. I hope it improves your outlook as much as it does mine.

1 comment:

tiffdagost said...

What a wonderful and uplifting thing to do to open our eyes to the good things that surround us everyday! Way to go!